(E) The arytenoid cartilages arise as swellings
from the sixth pharyngeal (branchial) arch at
32 days of gestation. They are located between
the caudal end of the hypobranchial eminence
and the cranial end of the laryngotracheal tube.
The swellings will grow cranially to form the
arytenoids and corniculate cartilages along
with the primitive aryepiglottic folds. In laryngomalacia,
the bulky arytenoid cartilages prolapse
anteromedially on inspiration, resulting
in stridor. The first (choice A), second (choice B),
and third (choice C) pharyngeal arches do not
participate in the development of laryngeal cartilages.
The fifth (choice D) pharyngeal arch
remains rudimentary and does not give rise to
any adult structure.
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