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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Diagnostic approach of shortness of breath

Diagnostic approach of shortness of breath
  1. How long have you had the shortness of breath?

    Why: to determine if acute or chronic.

  2. Was the onset of shortness of breath sudden or gradual?

    Why: if sudden consider adult respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, lung collapse. If gradual onset, consider chronic diseases such as congestive cardiac failure, emphysema and fibrosis.

  3. What makes the shortness of breath worse?

    Why: e.g. exercise , laying flat in bed.

  4. Recent history of bleeding?

    Why: e.g. heavy periods with clots, vomiting blood, bloody stools, rectal bleeding - may suggest anemia as the cause for shortness of breath.

  5. Past Medical history?

    Why: previous respiratory illness (e.g. pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis); previous heart problems (heart disease, heart attack, heart valve disease); HIV infection ( at high risk for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia); previous high blood pressure; deep venous thrombosis; Rheumatic fever.

  6. Medications?

    Why: many different medications can produce lung problems and resultant shortness of breath e.g. pulmonary embolism from oral contraceptive pill; fibrotic lung diseases from cytotoxic agents such as methotrexate, cyclophosphamide and bleomycin; bronchospasm from beta-blockers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.

  7. Cigarette smoking?

    Why: number of packets per day and number of years you have smoked. Smoking is a major cause of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Passive smoking exposure is also regarded as a significant risk.

  8. Drug taking history?

    Why: cocaine, amphetamines or injected narcotic drugs can cause shortness of breath.

  9. Alcohol history?

    Why: The drinking of large amounts of alcohol in binges can sometimes result in aspiration pneumonia and alcoholics are also prone to develop pneumococcal or Klebsiella pneumonia.

  10. Occupational history?

    Why: e.g. exposure to dusts in mining industries and factories such as asbestos, coal, silica, iron oxide, tin oxide, cotton, beryllium, titanium oxide, silver, nitrogen dioxide, anhydrides; exposure to animals (e.g. Q fever or psittacosis); exposure to moldy hay, humidifiers or air conditioners may result in allergic alveolitis.

  11. Family history?

    Why: asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, alpha-1-anti-typsin deficiency, tuberculosis, heart attacks.

Sometimes, other symptoms may be present and may help your doctor analyse your condition. These may include:

  1. Cough?

    Why: may be due to lung or heart disease.

  2. Sputum

    Why: color and quantity? - e.g. large volume pus-like suggests bronchiectasis or pneumonia; foul smelling dark colored suggests lung abscess; pink frothy secretions may be due to left ventricular heart failure; blood in sputum can be a serious sign of lung disease and must always be investigated.

  3. Audible wheeze?

    Why: may suggest asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, airways obstruction (by a foreign body or tumor) or left ventricular heart failure.

  4. Chest pain?

    Why: may be due to lung or heart disease.

  5. Fever?

    Why: e.g. fever at night may suggest tuberculosis, pneumonia or mesothelioma ( tumor of lung lining due to asbestos exposure).

  6. Orthopnea (breathlessness lying down flat)?

    Why: suggests left ventricular heart failure.

  7. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (inappropriate severe breathlessness causing waking from sleep)?

    Why: suggests left ventricular failure.

  8. Stridor (a rasping noise heard loudest on inspiration)?

    Why: indicates obstruction of the larynx, trachea or large airways by a foreign body, a tumor or infection (such as epiglottitis).

  9. Ankle swelling

    Why: may suggest heart failure.

  10. Palpitations of the heart?

    Why: may indicate that heart arrhythmia may be the cause of breath problems.

  11. Fever and pus-like sputum?

    Why: suggests pneumonia.

  12. Chest pain with blood in sputum?

    Why: need to rule out pulmonary embolism.


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